Namaste' & Welcome to...
The Zen Panda Transformational Therapeutic Mentoring.
Here at The Zen Panda, we are Sending Lovingkindness through the Art of Therapeutic Mentorship, the Art of Spoken & Written Word, & the Art of Connection.
The Zen Panda is like no other Mentoring/Therapeutic sessions that have been done before. The sessions have an emphasis on observation, mindset, philosophy, encouragement, companionship, and mentoring/guidance, compassion, empathy, oneness, and Lovingkindness.
With The Zen Panda we support anyone looking for connection, therapeutic companionship, anyone struggling with anything, facing any challenge/change/grief/anger/other, going through an internal or external challenge, anyone that is seeking enlightenment towards mindset, and anyone that desires philosophical, spiritual, and therapeutic connection.
Before your first session you will be provided with a questionair so that your Zen Mentor may be able to get to know you a little bit, and get an idea of things you would like to talk about.
We are excited to bring this program to life, and hope that you will join us in our journeys of healing, growth, and Lovingkindness.
"There is suffering in this world, I have suffered, yet there is love, and it is still a beautiful world" AKay 23'
About this Transformational Mentoring Option
With The Zen Panda Convenient E-mail option, we help anyone struggling with anything, facing any challenge, going though an internal struggle, or anyone that is seeking enlightement towards mindset.
Through one on one sessions with an emphasis on observation, conversation, philosophy, and mentoring, through e-mail communication (like texting or chatting) but in more depth where documents and other usefull tools can be sent.
This option allow's you to have the conversations with us anywhere and have a transcript of what we speak about. The eMail option allows you to express in length what you are going though or need privately if you do not wish to speak on the phone. The Mentor will respond in lenth with a private personal e-mail, documents, and/or other tools to help you on your jorney of healing and growth.
The goal is to become more connected to self with building skills in awareness, lovingkindness, learning about yourself, your own mindset, its importance and how this is affecting your day-to-day life. We want to focus on how being open to a shift in your mindset can harbor growth, love, peace, opportunities, communication, self-care, and so much more in your life.